Monthly Archives: August 2012

Clean carpets from Fox to North Pole to Ester to Fairbanks!!!! Whew!

Sometimes carpet cleaning can be just like painting with a really large brush… You watch the color change as you go! These Trinity machines really do help eliminate competition!
One of our summer evening stops :-) for commercial carpet cleaning in Fairbanks, AK
Picture of this is a bit out of order as this is our last stop for this crazy day….
Hidden cabin with an awesomely clean and protected carpet!
Now not only a great ‘hide-a-way’ home, but also one with really clean floors!
Even those wild North Pole Santa's Seniors keep a clean carpet!
Even those wild North Pole Santa’s Seniors keep a clean carpet!

Unbelievable day! Businesses, houses, rentals, pets, dye removal, odor removal Yipes! EXCITING :-). Some of the pictures from today above.

Amazing how a beautiful carpet can hide so much!

Great example of a Fairbanks home with really high quality carpet.  Amazing how a beautiful carpet can hide so much!
Thick, plush, high weight carpets really do their primary job well…. that is “hide soil” and look beautiful!
Great example of a Fairbanks home with really high quality carpet.  Amazing how a beautiful carpet can hide so much!
How do you know when a carpet is dirty? When the soil ‘holding’ capacity is reached and the soil becomes visible… Carpet is the largest filter in your home.

Amazing how much soil a good quality carpet can hide… What seems to be a ‘pristine clean’ carpet sure can be deceiving once you start cleaning it! Neat to see the real color! :-)…

One great thing about carpet: it holds soil and hides it (not like seeing a hard floor where all the dirt is visible).  That is a terrific benefit until you consider that even your weight with stocking feet on that same fiber containing soil is now ‘grinding’ the face of the yarns (like sandpaper) and permanently marring it.  Like it says on my website; “carpets hardly ever wear out, they only ‘ugly’ out”…


Fairbanks old fashioned wet cleaning (hot water extraction, also incorrectly referred to as “steam” cleaning)

We can even do a really good job with a counter rotating brush ‘preparation’ cleaning and plain ‘ole hot water extraction machine (steam)!

Fairbanks old fashioned wet cleaning (hot water extraction, also incorrectly referred to as "steam" cleaning)
Yes! We have certain circumstances where we will clean with hot water extraction!
Using a wand to apply and extract hot water after our first 'preparation' cleaning with a counter rotating brush extraction machine
Spraying that water in and sucking it out! 🙂 After our initial cleaning.

Yes, we have it within our capacity to use hot water extraction to clean a carpet!

We still like to follow it with our newer Trinity equipment to improve our results if we can justify the extra time.

North Pole linoleum clean, repair, protect

Carpet, tile, and linoleum cleaning!  All in one 'little' stop...
Carpet, tile, and linoleum cleaning! All in one ‘little’ stop… North Pole you rock today!
Area of linoleum "no wax' being stripped of wax, cleaned and shined... yep, we had to put wax back...
Getting there! Linoleum on it’s way to BEEEEEAAAUUUUTIIFUL!
A little 'detail work'
Linoleum on it's way (close now) to magnificent!
Linoleum on it’s way (close now) to magnificent! Practically perfect even!!!

Real excitement removing paints from linoleum without damage :-). North Pole ended up in the lead today with 4 of the 7 jobs! Go North Pole!!!!!

So long red dyes!!!! Goodbye mustard yellows!

Using a 'Wallpaper Steamer" to accelerate the reducing agents and oxidizing agents when removing dyes from carpet
Removing color from a carpet without removing the original color of the carpet! What else could be more fulfilling in the life of a carpet cleaner… adding the dimension of repair keeps us on our toes!
From outside of the home, these carpets looked great! :-)
Who would have guessed from arriving at this location what was ‘lurking’ and waiting for us inside! 🙂

I’m sure life as a carpet/floor cleaning service provider has to be roughly the same for most any person in the United States?  Not so!  I have the privilege of talking with dozens of carpet cleaning company owners all around the country and us crazy Fairbanks & North Pole area residents are unique!  Or as some have referred to us as…. just plain ‘special’ :-).  Because we have such a diverse group, our company often gets to test new equipment as it is developed to the prototype phase… what it takes years to learn in the ‘lower’ states can often be learned here in mere days or weeks!  Partially because of the diversity (we may clean a cabin without water in the morning, then clean a large business, then clean a million dollar home, then a restaurant or a dog team owners home… ) but also because I personally have the capacity to break any machine quicker than most people can get their shoes on… I can discover ALL  the weak points!

Hmmmm, maybe that would be an interesting ‘sister blog’… stories of equipment that survived, thrived and is currently in use compared to the piles of test equipment (and pieces/parts) that I have around the shop…..

Ft. Wainwright upholstery cleaning!

How can life get any better than rows of nice furniture pieces to clean/renew/protect?

Ft. Wainwright office furniture
Nice furniture, now nicely cleaned/protected!
Upholstered chairs, couch, chair seats, chairs with seats/backs keep us cleaning in all kinds of  positions...
How many ways can we twist to get this last bit …. :-)….????
Cushion back upholstered chairs to clean
Man! For such a simple looking chair there sure is a lot more cracks/crevices than one would think! 🙂