In the hills AGAIN testing those Blizzack tires! Chena Ridge & Chena Pump carpet cleanings are becoming my second homes…

  Carpet cleaning: Chena Pump, Chena Ridge, Roland Road, Chena Hills, Hidden Drive, Shypoke, etc areas
Anywhere off Chena Pump/Chena Ridge these weeks has been our company residence… man these ‘hills’ can be exciting!

Always exciting to get a flurry of calls from a particular area of town… maybe it is once our vans start being seen it is a good reminder for folks?  If you live in the Chena Pump, Chena Ridge, Roland Road, Chena Hills, Hidden Drive, Shypoke, etc areas…. You know what I mean!  Hard to miss the subtle “45Clean” vans.  Keep calling, we need to hone our winter driving skills early this year and there is very few places that offer the challenges your neighborhoods can :-).  THANK YOU!

I’m thinking that our company with multiple vans may have just really missed out not offering to test tires for manufacturers?  Wooooohooooo!  that could be my next big business move!  I do go through some tires!