What does it cost?
Our pricing structure is simple and easy to understand. Rooms up to 200 square feet each (over 14 feet by 14 feet) are priced at $59.00 per room. Additional square footage over 200 square feet/room is figured at an additional .295 cents/square foot.
Stairs (every time you lift your foot) are figured at $4.00 each.
Repair items like dyes (kool aid, red wine, mustard, etc) that won't clean out can often be repaired by special dye removing products (reducing agents/oxidizing agents) and heat for an additional charge. If the dyes are "set" (permanent), then we can often cut them out and replace them with either a spare piece of carpet or trade the damaged piece for a piece not often visible (like in the back of a closet).
Odor/Urine removal problems can often be solved by simply adding additional products during our normal cleaning at a very low cost. Otherwise, we can provide options for many other solutions.
45-CLEAN CARPETS (45-CLEAN is 452-5326)
PO Box 74037
(3010 Industrial Ave)
Fairbanks, Alaska, 99707
Stairs (every time you lift your foot) are figured at $4.00 each.
Repair items like dyes (kool aid, red wine, mustard, etc) that won't clean out can often be repaired by special dye removing products (reducing agents/oxidizing agents) and heat for an additional charge. If the dyes are "set" (permanent), then we can often cut them out and replace them with either a spare piece of carpet or trade the damaged piece for a piece not often visible (like in the back of a closet).
Odor/Urine removal problems can often be solved by simply adding additional products during our normal cleaning at a very low cost. Otherwise, we can provide options for many other solutions.
45-CLEAN CARPETS (45-CLEAN is 452-5326)
PO Box 74037
(3010 Industrial Ave)
Fairbanks, Alaska, 99707